GLP (Good Laboratory Practice) Training Course

Understanding and implementation of the OECD GLP Principles

Waarom dit thema?

GLP is a quality system including organisational and technical aspects with regard to the implementation of non-clinical health and environmental safety studies.

The understanding and implementation of the GLP Principles is fundamental for the application of non-clinical health and environmental safety studies. The application of GLP Principles is  mandatory for non-clinical safety testing of test items in pharmaceutical products, pesticide products, cosmetic products, veterinary drugs as well as food additives, feed additives, and industrial chemicals and other products as required by national regulation or legislation.

Waarom deze opleiding?

A lot of actors (sponsors, management, study directors, study personnel, quality assurance staff, IT personnel and archivists) are involved in the development, implementation and follow-up of a GOOD LABORATORY PRACTICE (GLP) quality system. Therefore, correct understanding and interpretation of the content of the principles of GLP and related documents are crucial before reliable data are produced with the purpose to register or license the test items of different origin.

The programme of this GLP training course will be focused to

  • Introduction to GLP, legal aspects, documentation, mutual acceptance of data, processes
  • Responsibilities sponsor, management, study director, principal investigator, study personnel, IT personnel and archivist
  • Management of facilities, apparatus, test items and test systems.
  • Setup of standard operating procedures
  • Performance, reporting and archiving of GLP studies
  • Quality Assurance Program

The organization of this GLP Training Course exists of presentations, questions and answers and individual exercises.

The GLP workshop is an advanced GLP training course where it is recommended that participants have a basic knowledge and experience of the OECD GLP Principles or other quality system.


Day 1 

8:30 Welcome and coffee

9:00 Introduction

9:15 Individual exercise 1: test of basic GLP knowledge

9:40 General aspects of GLP

10:40 Questions and answers

10:55 Coffee Break

11:10 Organisation and personnel

12:15 Questions and answers

12:30 Lunch

13:45 Facilities

14:15 Apparatus and related materials

14:45 Test items

15:15 Coffee break  

15:30 Test systems

16:00 Standard Operating Procedures

16:30 Archives

17:00 Questions and answers

17:15 Individual exercise 2: organisational aspects

17:30 End


Day 2 

9:00 Discussion and evaluation of exercises

9:30 Performance of GLP studies

10:30 Questions and answers 

10:45 Coffee break

11:00 Reporting of GLP studies

11:45 Archiving of GLP studies

12:15 Questions and answers

12.30 Lunch

13.45 Quality Assurance Program

14:45 Questions and answers

15.00 Coffee break

15.15 Group exercise: performance and reporting of a GLP study

16:15 open discussion and interaction between the groups

17:15 Conclusions

17u30 End

Waar & wanneer

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€ 1520 excl. BTW


Lid van Amelior: € 1370 excl. BTW
Non-profit Amelior lid: € 1220 excl. BTW

Nog geen lid? Lid worden kan al vanaf € 205 per jaar

Deze opleiding goedkoper volgen?

  • Bekijk op welke subsidies (o.a. KMO-portefeuille) je recht hebt
  • Korting mogelijk bij meerdere deelnemers van hetzelfde bedrijf
Categorie KMO-portefeuille


Hedwig Beernaert
  • jarenlang lid van de OECD en EU GLP stuurgroep
  • uitgebreide ervaring in het geven van GLP opleidingen wereldwijd

Op maat

Liever een oplossing op maat?

  • Win het advies in van een ervaren vakspecialist, en doe beroep op een consultant.
  • Meerdere collega's die deze opleiding willen volgen? Al vanaf 4 deelnemers is in-company voordeliger.
  • Aangepast op basis van de noden van jouw organisatie.